1. Do a search for a topic that interests you. Note the default search is "Find all my search terms." You may want to change the search to one of the other options. Review your findings and observations.
I searched for Criminal Justice. This brought up a list of all books that dealt with this subject or may be helpful. I selected the Criminal Law Handbook. I found that they had one copy of this book. There was a table of contents and a selection of the most helpful pages. I could then get the full copy in PDF form in wanted. There were also options to save, cite, print, email, export, etc.
2. Constitution Day is looming and several students need more material. Search EBooks on EbscoHost and recommend some appropriate titles.
I found The Reader's Companion to American History, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to the American Presidents.
3. A class is doing projects on Western history. They have exhausted the library's print collection. In EBooks on EbscoHost, click "Advanced Search." In the "Select a Field" box, choose "PB Publisher." In the search box, type "Nebraska" or "Oklahoma." Report your findings.
I found many helpful books about Native Americans and Buffalo Soldiers, fur trading, and western ranges. This also listed many books that were published by the University of Oklahoma.
Good finds in Ebooks on Ebsco. The relevant pages feature in a book can be really useful to help get to the info needed. Thanks for your post!